‘24 SESSIONS RUN until
DEC. 1st

TSPP has become a tradition for thousands of families Since 2008.
Since 2008 The Simple Portrait Project has redefined the family portrait. Harnessing the power of collaboration + improvisation and fueled with coffee + bourbon (juice boxes for the kids), TSPp is a one of a kind experience designed to capture the character and essence of your family. The idea is built on one simple principle: Creativity cannot exist without limitations. Brevity forces us to maximize the 20 minute sessions. One light setups and a unique non-descript background make each year dynamic and timeless. We want our clients to leave excited about what was captured… but more importantly excited about who they are. It is an act of trust, collaboration and vulnerability.
“TSPP was our first family photo experience. Now, going into our ninth year, we can’t imagine anyone other than JonBob & his Crew being part of our day and capturing our family. Try it once! You’ll never look back!”
TSPP is like if Olan Mills didn’t suck and had whiskey.”
“I told my husband that he’d be way in the “win-zone” if it was the only gift he gave me every year.”
SIGN UP is easy
When sign ups open….it is a breeze to get on board.
1. Choose your date
2. Choose your service
3. Book with Payment….and “BAM” you are in.
“With TSPP, over the years my family has been photographed in real, simple, authentic & timeless ways. We have a blast laughing, jumping, spinning and dancing. Then I walk out with amazing photos that capture the smirks, smiles, dimples, eyes and all the other elements that makes my family beautiful.”